Angels fly.

Angels fly
Towards the clouds
Their wings glisten
in the light,
Almost hurts the eyes.
They look down at us
And think how grateful
They are to
Live the life they lead.

Tears fall as we stand
Beside the grave of the fallen.
Not tears of sorrow,
but tears of joy,
They no longer hurt,
no longer feel.
They fly with wings
On their backs
Towards the clouds,
Wings glistening
In the sun.

Angels sit upon the clouds
And watch as we make
Our mistakes,
Watch as we live our lives,
Watch as we make our friends,
Make new memories
And know they'll always be
In our hearts.

Tears fall as we remember
The Joy we once felt
With them at our sides.
We remember what they smelt like,
How they looked when they smiled.
We look up and
We know they are watching us.

The memories we had we share,
As we look up,
They look down upon us.

The Happiness we once shared
Makes my heart feel lighter,
Brings a smile to my lips,
And as I remember your laugh.
Sadness overcomes me,
As I think of your family
And how much they miss you.
Happiness overcomes me
As I know you are happy
Where you are.

I miss you George O'ana!