My bucket list.

You always dream about what might happen to you, that's just apart of being human.  Everyone dreams about everything.  Today my cousin asked me how would I like to die, and the question has plagued me.  

Would I like to die in the line of duty?
Would I like to die in a hospital bed with my loved ones surrounding me?
Would I like to die of old age, sleeping?

There are so many scenarios.  And honestly I don't know.  What I do know is that I want to live my life to the fullest, I want to do the things that I've always wanted to do

My Bucket List (so far):
1. Go back to Hawai'i
2. Scuba Dive
3. Sky diving
4. The biggest roller coaster in the world!
5. Change someone's life for the better
6. Marry
7. Get my degree, maybe in political science?
8. Have children
9. Tell my family I love them each and every day.
10. Live my life.

There will be more to come, that's just my beginning.

I'll try to put 5-10 on the end of each blog, however I can't promise anything, in the end if I don't think of anything else, and make it into one big blog.  

I wish those people who have gone to boot camp or waiting to go, or those that are still in the process to become a United States Sailor, Soldier, or anything else tons of luck.  We'll need it.


  1. i have on also. its on our itouch! =) i love it.

  2. I love your bucket list! I want to GO to Hawaii too!!!!
