Are You Ready For This?!?!

1 Month and 3 Days, until BOOT CAMP!

Yes I said the magic word!  Boot Camp!
I fill out my thirty day today, and I'm super excited!  I can't believe that it's been 4 months all ready.  I remember feeling incredibly grateful, and ecstatic and beyond great when I signed my contract, and that was in September.

And now the time has come.  The time has come for me to become all that I can be.  I know that I'll be physically worn when I get there and I probably won't pass the first PT, but all I can say is I'll try.  But I'm super excited to get as far as I have without quitting without saying I don't want to do this anymore.

Let Me just say this number once more!

1 Month, and 3 days!

So Let me update you on my life.

I've been babysitting alot!  I still need to pack my things up, that's a must before I leave.
I've discovered how much I'll miss my family when I'm there, but no matter how much I'll miss them, I still don't feel welcome in this house.
I cooked an amazing Pot Roast last night.  It was the first thing I put in the crock pot ever so I'm way excited and after that I've issued myself a new Challenge!  But we'll start that in August and hopefully I can do it for the rest of my life!
I've watched several really good movies.

I've got a question for you bliggity blog ladies!

How do you get all of the things for your blog?
I'd love to make my own layout and button, but I have no idea how to get it and everything!  Plus I'll shortly be changing my blog name after boot camp to A SAILORS JOURNEY.



Today when I was in the shower I was thinking to myself, What I want to do with my life, where do I want to go with it.
I've decided that after my first deployment, I'm going to go back to school and become a major in political Science and a minor in either biology or some sort of language.
And then by the time I'm 65 I would have saved millions upon millions of dollars.  Okay maybe not that much but if I become the U.S's youngest Ambassador then that's always a possibility.
My best friend who is going to be a world renowned scientist and I are going to own a cheatau in France, and a Villa in Italy and we're going to have a second income from our wine that we'll make from our Villa.
I wouldn't be surprised if my shipmates gave me the name of Dreamer.  I'd sure live up to it!


I sometimes feel older then my age...

but then doesn't everyone?


One Day...

I will be a mother, a wife, and an aunt.
I will be a Petty Officer or a chief in the United States Navy.
I will own my own book store, and it will be Nana's Corner.
I will be around when we find a cure for Cancer.
I will look into the eyes of my children and tell them I love them, and explain how I only want the best for them even if they hate me for it.
I will love, and be loved back.

One Day...
I will become an Ambassador
I will own large portions of land.
I will be in Magazines and newspapers all over the world, because of something wonderous that I have done.
I will own a cheateu in France, and a Villa in Italy, with my best friend.
My book store will be all over the world.

One Day...
I will become the person I am meant to be.


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