I'm at my first command!

I'm stationed at Camp Lejeune North Carolina, working out of the preventive medicine clinic here. Just an ordinary quad zero. How did I get so lucky?

My friends here are amazing, but I've all ready met those who I'll talk to now but probably won't talk to again unless I see them somewhere else.

In all reality sometimes I don't even feel like I'm in the Navy.  It just doesn't seem real what I'm doing right now. I think it's more of a dream right now.

I've been in for 7 months and it seems the only thing navy related that I've done is where my uniform and go to school.  And theirs nothing wrong with that.  Nothing wrong at all:)

I enrolled in school, I'm going back and I'm super excited.

I've got friends leaving on deployments and all within the next 6 months, and that scares me.  But that's just apart of being in the marines, or as a corpsman for that matter.  Actually anyone in the service.

You know I look around Camp Lejeune and I see a hell of a lot of marines, but I also see alot of Navy, mostly corpsman, and then I see a few army people, mostly of the officer type and I wonder to myself when will we blend? When well we all become a group of one? There will be no more Navy, there won't be an Air Force, there won't be any Soldiers, and there won't be any marines. And then I think to myself this can't happen, this won't happen. This is why we have groups so each can do their own thing, if it were blended we'd all be doing the same thing and it wouldn't be special anymore. You know what I'm saying?

I've missed writing, but I haven't felt like I've needed to write, or maybe I've just felt like I've had nothing to write about.

So I guess I can tell you a little about the barracks life, it's litteraly all it's cracked out to be. We don't have kitchens or anything of the sort. I've had two roommates within a month because of the fact that for most of the people in the barracks its still a training environment so once they leave for FMTB, or once they move to a different location, and then it's normally a day or a week and I get another one. It kinda sucks ass.  Just saying. 


It's been a while.

I've been in the Navy now for about five months.  
I graduated from RTC, on 22APR2011, and made my way down to Corps school in San Antonio Texas.
I've been here for about 3 and a half months, and although it's hot and disgusting here, sometimes I'm having the time of my life.  I told my friend in a total of six months starting from the day i left for RTC, to august 23rd I would've gone to a total of four states. 
So let me just tell you a little about Corps School. 
  • It's not easy, some people understand it easily while others have to lock themselves in their closets, study for hours on end just to understand it.  But in the end the people who do the most, get more out of it.
  • You can either make enemies here, or you can make friends you know you'll have for the rest of your life.  Try not to make the enemies.
  • Always have something sweet on you, it'll keep you up during the death by powerpoint slides.
  • Save up to buy coffee for the class, you'll need it. 
  • Make sure you don't take yourself, your class, or your leadership for granted.  When you do you'll realize you're not any better then you were five months ago when you were in Bootcamp.  Things haven't changed that much.
  • You still march everywhere you go, except this time you're not as close, and this time the cadences are alot funner:)
  • There's still drama, it's up to you if you want to be in it or out of it.
  • don't spend all your money, you say you won't but trust me you will.
  • Try your hardest to keep what you have because you never know when it'll be gone.  You can get kicked out in an instant, the Navy doesn't have a problem sending you undesignated. 
Where am I headed to next?
I'm going to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.  I'm working at the Naval hospital there, and maybe I can get my lazy ass up and start excercising so that way when I'm done with my duty I can volunteer to go to FMTB.  Apparently if you work in the hospital or somewhere for a period of time like six months and above you can volunteer to go to Iraq and Afghanistan, I think I might just do that.  You never know maybe I can save a life or something.

What's happened since I've been gone?
  • Thing 1 and thing 2 have grown up without me:( geez I still remember when Thing 1 turned one, now she's 11 and thing 2 is two today!
  • A friend from elementary school passed away sometime last week.  He was fighting the war in afghanistan stepped on an IED, lost his legs.  He died in the hospital.
  • I thank Julien everyday for helping me make this decision, it's because of him that I'm a corpsman.
  • I've made friends that I will never forget, and I've got memories that will never fade away:)
  • Some times days just blend in with days, but it's days where I'm with my best friends that I remember everything :)


5 Days til Boot Camp!

Wow it's been a while since I've written on the dear old blog!

You know everything's only gotten worse in the past week, maybe it's just nervousness and going to boot camp, but I don't know if I'll be as good as I thought I would be without my ENTIRE family's support.  My aunt and I got into this huge fight, and we haven't talked in a week.  Unfortunately it's her choice or not if she wants to leave things the way they are.  I did try to fix them, but I guess that only made things worse.

But you know now I have even more reason to succeed! I can't come back and live in this house and feel like even more of the outsider I've always felt, but that was denied till now.  oh well.

What's up with guys and guilt trips?

I swear I attract the worst guys,
1. Races constantly, I can't be with a guy who takes that many chances with his life
2. Wants me to take my shirt off for him, and basically take a picture of my boobs

And when I end relationships with these men, or they don't get what they want I get guilt tripped.  

Why should I have to worry about what you think now when I just told you I wasn't interested anymore, when I told you NO, get over yourself.  the world doesn't revolve around you, or at not my world!

Things I'll miss in boot camp

1. My mom
2. Singing thing 2 to sleep when she's grouchy
3. My phone
4. My computer
5. My loyal readers:)
6. Knowing what's going to happen tomorrow.
7. Stefanie Lynn Burns:) My best friend.
8. I'm going to miss talking to my sister from another mother every weekend, but I still have letters:)
10. Music
11. Reading my romance books, and wishing I had some of that in my life.

I dream of:

I realize that my ambassadorship was a little much, so I've just decided to own a chain of book stores, all across the world.  Nana's corner here we come!
I want to own at least 2 acres of land, and build a house with a wrap around porch, and know that my future family will be safe.
I want to travel the world, and go to every country at least once, including those in Africa- yes even the war torn countries
I want to learn at least three different languages, I don't have to be fluent but knowing them would be nice:)

What do you dream of your future?  What would you miss most if you were going to be without these things for TWO MONTHS! Two years even?!?

Oh I forgot, I'll have one more post on monday, before I leave for boot camp but until then I'll be in San Diego.  Wish me luck guys! I'm going to need it!


Projects, Projects, Projects.

So I went into my recruitment office yesterday for my thirty day.
I did my pee test, pregnancy test, and i studied for my PFS for a little bit.
And I came out of there with 2 projects and a lot of recruiting information.  
Go ahead and ask me, Ready, Set, Go.
I swear every time I go into that office I laugh so hard, I lose my voice the very next day!
Best in What! The west!
Okay so onto my projects I have to put a power point together of the different kinds of ships and Airplanes!  This is going to take me a while that's for sure.  
And I also have to organize the display board with all of the Future Sailor pictures.  I'll take a picture of the before after and in between's <3
I'm baby sitting again today, but when she goes to sleep I'm cleaning my room and starting to pack and repack my things.
The first things to repacked and packed are my books, 
Then I need to decide what clothes I'm not going to be wearing in the next month and pack those away.  
I need to check out the whether too, anyone know what the whether in Illinois is like in early summer?  I need to start packing my bag for A School.
There's so much that I have to do!  YIKES! 
So that's what's going to happen today.  And maybe the movies if my friend ever texts me back. 
Thing 2 says bye and she loves you.


Are You Ready For This?!?!

1 Month and 3 Days, until BOOT CAMP!

Yes I said the magic word!  Boot Camp!
I fill out my thirty day today, and I'm super excited!  I can't believe that it's been 4 months all ready.  I remember feeling incredibly grateful, and ecstatic and beyond great when I signed my contract, and that was in September.

And now the time has come.  The time has come for me to become all that I can be.  I know that I'll be physically worn when I get there and I probably won't pass the first PT, but all I can say is I'll try.  But I'm super excited to get as far as I have without quitting without saying I don't want to do this anymore.

Let Me just say this number once more!

1 Month, and 3 days!

So Let me update you on my life.

I've been babysitting alot!  I still need to pack my things up, that's a must before I leave.
I've discovered how much I'll miss my family when I'm there, but no matter how much I'll miss them, I still don't feel welcome in this house.
I cooked an amazing Pot Roast last night.  It was the first thing I put in the crock pot ever so I'm way excited and after that I've issued myself a new Challenge!  But we'll start that in August and hopefully I can do it for the rest of my life!
I've watched several really good movies.

I've got a question for you bliggity blog ladies!

How do you get all of the things for your blog?
I'd love to make my own layout and button, but I have no idea how to get it and everything!  Plus I'll shortly be changing my blog name after boot camp to A SAILORS JOURNEY.



Today when I was in the shower I was thinking to myself, What I want to do with my life, where do I want to go with it.
I've decided that after my first deployment, I'm going to go back to school and become a major in political Science and a minor in either biology or some sort of language.
And then by the time I'm 65 I would have saved millions upon millions of dollars.  Okay maybe not that much but if I become the U.S's youngest Ambassador then that's always a possibility.
My best friend who is going to be a world renowned scientist and I are going to own a cheatau in France, and a Villa in Italy and we're going to have a second income from our wine that we'll make from our Villa.
I wouldn't be surprised if my shipmates gave me the name of Dreamer.  I'd sure live up to it!


I sometimes feel older then my age...

but then doesn't everyone?


One Day...

I will be a mother, a wife, and an aunt.
I will be a Petty Officer or a chief in the United States Navy.
I will own my own book store, and it will be Nana's Corner.
I will be around when we find a cure for Cancer.
I will look into the eyes of my children and tell them I love them, and explain how I only want the best for them even if they hate me for it.
I will love, and be loved back.

One Day...
I will become an Ambassador
I will own large portions of land.
I will be in Magazines and newspapers all over the world, because of something wonderous that I have done.
I will own a cheateu in France, and a Villa in Italy, with my best friend.
My book store will be all over the world.

One Day...
I will become the person I am meant to be.



It's Scary...

When you hold someones life in your hands.  
I recently discovered that my ex boyfriend has been smoking a lot of dope,
seeing as we're in the Navy about to go to boot camp,
the Navy has zero tolerance for drugs, and zero tolerance for alcohol if under the age of 21.
So what do I do?
Do I tell the recruiters and ruin his dreams of going into the Navy?
Do I talk to him about it although I'm not sure he'll listen?
Do I tell the recruiters and in the process help him?
I don't know what to do.
If I tell Petty Officer about it he's out.
But if I don't and he gets in then I could be risking millions of lives, even if he's going in as a cook.
So what do I do?
What do I do? 
What do I do?

The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out.  ~Thomas Babington Macaulay