For this particular story, I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with it. But I thought that it would be an interesting thing to write about it. I didn't do enough research and had severe writers block.

"I'll be back in six months Morgan." Caleb kissed his wife as though he would never see her again. He drew away slowly when his daughter pulled at his uniform jacket. His wife's cheek fell to his chest as they looked at their three year old child. He let his wife go and picked up his daughter. "Hey there, munchkin."
"Daddy. Where are you going?"
"I'm going away for a few months Chastity. Don't worry. I'll be back and we can have that tea party."
"Okay Daddy. I love you."
"I love you to Chastity." He wrapped his free arm around his wife, and hugged her as well. "I love both of you."
How could he do this to them? They were the most perfect thing in his life. He needed them, and always would.
"Sergeant. We're leaving now. Grab your bag and weapon and let's go."
"I'm coming." He put Chastity to her feet, where she grabbed her mothers hand and shared one last kiss with Morgan. "I have to go now. I'll call as soon as I can." He backed away from his family, turned around and headed to the plane.
"Caleb." Morgan said silently. "I love you."
"I love you to Morgan. I'll see you in a couple of months." Don't forget about me. "I promise nothing will happen to me Morgan. Pinky promise." Caleb held out his pinky finger and did it in the air. He turned around once again, and walked towards the plane. When he reached it, he turned around to look at them. Chastity looked so much like her mother, with her blue eyes and blond hair. Their hair blew back in the wind. Chastity in her mothers arms with her head on Morgan's shoulder. His family. And he would do right by them.
He waved one last time, and smiled. The last time they saw him was going to be a memorable one. He boarded the plane, with his men, and sat with his captain.
"It's going to be a long flight Caleb, and a miserable winter. But life isn't going to stop for us. They'll be fine Caleb. Morgan knows how to take care of herself, and she'll take care of Chastity. They'll look out for each other."
"I know George. They are both strong, they need to be. And I need to be here, in the here and now." He looked down at the picture of his family and put it in his jacket pocket. "I need to be in the here and now." He looked at his watch, sighed, and pushed the seat back after they were in the air. ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />San Diego was gone, and it was late in Iraq.

Chapter 1

Caleb had been in Iraq for 2 months, and he was beginning to think the six months would never end. He was 30, a soldier, a father, and a husband. The soldier always came ahead of everything. He had been in the service for 12 years.
He stood in front of the mirror, his weapon leaned against the wall, a razor in his hand. He needed a decent shave.

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