The world Turns...

The world turns to dark.
A child weeps.
Her mother isnt there
To save her from him.
She screams, she cries.
She listens for the night sounds
He's hurting her
But she cant feel it.
He's screaming at her
But she cant hear it
His breath smells like whiskey
To her skin.
His eyes pierce through hers.
She's nine
He's thirty.
He's her father.
The world turns to light
A child weeps.
Her mother wasnt there
To save her from him.
The tears fall freely
She wont stop them.
Alone in her room
As always her haven,
Reaching for the father
She never met.
The father that held
Her in his hands
With a smile on his face
The father that isnt
There anymore
To hold her when she cries
The world turns to dark
and it happens again.
This time she feels him.
This time she hears him.
The tears dont come
She holds them back
She cant imagine
Another world not like this one.

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