I'm so nervous...

I take the ASVAB Today!!!

I'm not ready for it, it's just that.  I suck at math, I woke up early so that I can babysit my baby cousin while my aunt's at work.

I have to call my other cousin, that's watching her for me at one, and tell her she has to stay here because my aunt took the car seat with her,

I've got a meeting with my recruiter at 1300, to fill out the paperwork I was supposed to fill out yesterday for MEPS.  And if I do well on the test I'll be going to MEPS on Wednesday, which is the only good thing I have to say about today.

Hopefully I won't have to deal with a grumpy baby all day.  or at least till 12:45.

And I forgot the cousin that is watching her is allergic to cats and dogs.  This is just perfect!  Oh well.  There's my life for you.

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