I've memorized the Sailors Creed!

So a couple of weeks ago my fried who was once interested in the navy sent me an email with the Sailors creed, the 11 general orders of a sentry, a bunch of terms, ranks and insignias and the phonetic alphabet.

So it's taken me a couple of days to write all of them down on index cards. For the Sailors creed almost every word has it's own card, with the smaller words there are 2 in 1. It took me 52 cards. but it took two times to shuffle and go through them for me to remember it. Ready for this:
I am a United States Sailor
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me
I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world
I proudly serve my country's Navy with honor, Courage and Commitment
I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all

See look at how easy that was! just make sure you number the cards on the back and Don't cheat!

For the 11 gentry orders, I've written each one on it's own card and then I've written numbers on other cards. and hopefully when I memorize these I can mix up the numbers and know which one goes to which number.

I went into my aunt's room and was like "guess what"

she was "like what!"

I said "I memorized the Sailors creed want to hear it!"

she said "I'm not really interested in that but I'm sure you'll tell me anyway."

"not if you don't want to hear it so are you sure"
"yes I'm more interested in the fact that you're JOINING the Navy."

I guess it took me a while to get to the point, even if your family isn't interested in the little picture, like the little things you may learn that'll help you in the Navy, they are interested and very proud that we are joining the Navy, that we are leaving them to protect and defend them with our lives.

We must not lose sight of the bigger picture either. WE are becoming a Team. A team that'll protect our country, provide civilians with the things they've always wanted. And one day we will be thanked, one day the world will thank us for defending freedom and democracy all over the world:)

We will do our job, and most of us will love it. Others will want to leave:( but either way we have made our decision and we will stick with it:)

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