The Pledge of Allegiance...

I know that I just posted a blog but a friend of mine brought this up. She had read my last entry and asked how long did it take us to memorize the pledge of allegiance. And I swear I have the best long term memory in the world(jk), but I thought about this and I realized I don't think I actually said it until the second grade. From Kindergarten to First Grade, most of us just mumble when it's time to say the Pledge of Allegiance. And even though we were told time and time again what it meant, we had no idea what it meant to us. We had no idea about what it meant to us as a country, as a whole, as citizens of the best country we know, The United States of America.

A friend of mine, Gina Chloe Ringle said:
"I was always perplexed by 'And to the Republic for 'witchit Stands'..' As a little kid I wondered what witchit stands were and I pictured those caution:Slipper when wet signs but with a witch on them. Talk about mumbling your way through it! ;)"

And that's how most of us are as kids. We constantly wonder why we're saying this everyday. We're constantly wondering why this routine is so important in our lives.

But maybe right now, right at this very moment we should wonder what these words mean to us.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Maybe we should write these words down on paper and see just what we think about it. Write adjectives or verbs, nouns or pronouns. Just write something!

In the past few years I understand that people are trying to take the "G" word out of the pledge, you know the one I'm talking about. And when it first came up I was all for it. I didn't want to be watched by a entity I wasn't sure about. But now, I'm sure of what I believe. I believe there is an entity above us that watches us and wants the best for us. And if we take the time to read the pledge slowly, you'll realize that without this one word the pledge is just words, and maybe that's a little strong let's try this for size. If we change the Pledge of Allegiance now, it won't be the same. If we take a few words out the meaning will change and once again we'll be searching for the meaning, we as a country will be lost.

So at this moment:
I pledge MY allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the government for all of it's hard work. I pledge MY Allegiance to one Nation under God, to help other Nations and people that need to be helped. I will not be left behind or divided by my peers if that makes sense. And I will protect those that need protection, and serve justice to those that need to be served with it.

This is what I think of when I think of the Pledge of Allegiance. What about you?


  1. Idk I grew up going to church and boy scouts. I understood and knew what it meant.I also know what it means to me now. How could I not i'm an american boy very different than any other race of boy such as, Japanese, Chinese, Arab, Hispanic, every one has a heritage.but beyond that i agree in high school no one said or even cared to say the pledge,

  2. Amen Sister! You're right! I love it. hehe Glad my "Witchit Stands" made it in there. hehe
